An updated version of my CV can be found here:

Burge CV

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Djupe, Paul A., Ryan P. Burge and Christopher Garneau. 2023. “Religious Identity-Inconsistent Attending: Its Correlates and Political Implications.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Djupe, Paul A. and Ryan P. Burge. 2022. “Divine Attribution? The Interaction of Religious and Secular Beliefs on Climate Change Attitudes.” Politics & Religion. 1-19. https://doi:10.1017/S1755048322000293

Burge, Ryan P. 2022. “The Consequences of Response Options: Including Both Protestant and Christian on Surveys.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 61(1): 242-257.

Braunstein, Ruth, Andrew Whitehead, and Ryan P. Burge. 2022. “Religion, Politics, and Public Funding for Abortion: A Research Note.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 61(1): 230-241.

Djupe, Paul A., and Ryan P. Burge. 2022. “Religious Authority in a Democratic Society: Clergy and Citizen Evidence from a New Measure.” Politics & Religion. 15(1):1-28. DOI: 10.1017/S1755048321000031.

Driggers, Hunter and Ryan P. Burge 2021. “Did the Nones Put Joe Biden in the White House? An Analysis of the Voting Patterns of the Religiously Unaffiliated in 2020.” Politics and Religion Journal. 15(2): 313-329.

Bramlett, Brittany, and Ryan P. Burge. 2021 “The New Older Adult Participant in American Politics.” Social Science Quarterly. 102(6): 2972-2984.

Djupe, Paul A., Andrew R. Lewis, Anand E. Sokhey and Ryan P. Burge. 2021. “Does Disgust Drive Religious Freedom Attitudes? Experimental Results About the Context of Service Refusal Opinion.Social Science Quarterly. 102(2): 755-770. DOI:

Burge, Ryan P. and Paul A. Djupe. 2021. “Falling Through the Cracks: Dealing with the Problem of the Unclassifieds in RELTRAD.” Review of Religious Research. DOI:

Smothers, Hannah and Ryan P. Burge. 2020. “Finding the Missing Atheists.” Secularism and Nonreligion. DOI:

Djupe, Paul A. and Ryan P. Burge. 2020. “The Prosperity Gospel of Coronavirus Response.Politics & Religion. 1-22. DOI: 10.1017/S175504832000053X.

Burge, Ryan P. 2020. “Is Becoming Born-Again a Transformative Experience? Results from Three Sets of Panel Data.Review of Religious Research. 63(1): 83-105. DOI: 10.1007/s13644-020-00428-9

Smothers, Hannah, Ryan Burge, and Paul A. Djupe. 2020. “The Gendered Religious Response to State Action on the Coronavirus Pandemic.Politics & Gender. 16(4): 1063-1074. DOI: 10.1017/S1743923X20000306.

Bramlett, Brittany and Ryan P. Burge. 2020. “God Talk in a Digital Age: How Members of Congress Use Religious Language on Twitter.Politics & Religion. 14(2): 316-338. DOI: 10.1017/S1755048320000231.

Burge Ryan P. 2020. “How Many ’Nones’ Are There? Explaining the Difference in Survey EstimatesReview of Religious Research. 62(1):173-190. DOI: 10.1007/s13644-020-00400-7

Perry, Samuel and Ryan P. Burge. 2019. “How Religion Predicts Pet Ownership in the United States.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 59(1):190-201.

Burge, Ryan P. and Miles Williams. 2019. “Is Social Media A Digital Pulpit? How Evangelical Leaders Use Twitter to Encourage the Faithful and Publicize Their Work.” Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture. 8(3):309-339.

Friesen, Amanda, Ryan P. Burge, and Kylee Britzman. 2019. “Digital Segregation: Gender, Occupation and Access to Politics.Social Science Computer Review. 39(1): 38-55. DOI: 10.1177/0894439319851164

Burge, Ryan and Paul Djupe. 2014. “Truly Inclusive or Uniformly Liberal: An Analysis of the Politics of Burge, Ryan P. and Miles Williams. 2019. “Gender in the Pulpit: The Differences in Speaking Style for Men and WomenJournal of Communication and Religion. 42(1): 63-82.

Burge, Ryan P. 2018. “Authority, Authoritarianism, and Religion.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/9780190228637.013.667

Burge, Ryan P. 2018. “To Be of One Mind?: How LGB Evangelicals Navigate the Political World” Politics, Groups, and Identities. 8(3): 554-575. DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2018.1518784

Burge, Ryan P. and Andrew Lewis. 2018. “Measuring Evangelicals: Practical Considerations for Social Scientists.” Politics & Religion. 11(4): 745-759.

Eisenstein, Marie, George Yancey, and Ryan P. Burge. 2017. “Christian Theology and Attitudes Toward Political-Ideological Groups.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion. 13(6): 1-13.

Burge, Ryan P. and Paul A. Djupe. 2017. “An Emergent Threat: Christian Clergy Perceptions of the Emerging Church MovementJournal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 56(1): 26-32. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12324.

Burge, Ryan, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Calfano. 2016. “The Delegational Pulpit? Clergy Identifying as Congregational Political Representatives.” Representation. 52(1): 43-69. DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2016.1244112.

Burge, Ryan P. and Paul A. Djupe. 2016. “Emergent Fault Lines: Clergy Attitudes Toward the Emergent Church Movement.” Journal of Religious Leadership. 15(1): 5-30.

Burge, Ryan P. and Paul A. Djupe. 2015. “Emergent Church Practices in America: Inclusion and Deliberation in American CongregationsReview of Religious Research 57(1): 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/s13644-014-0157-2

Burge, Ryan and Paul Djupe. 2014. “Truly Inclusive or Uniformly Liberal: An Analysis of the Politics of the Emerging Church.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 53(3): 636-651. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12129

Burge, Ryan. 2013. “Using Matching to Investigate the Relationship Between Religion and Tolerance.” Politics & Religion. 6(2): 264-281. DOI: 10.1017/S1755048312000569

Book Chapters

Sims, Kaylynn and Ryan P. Burge. 2023. “The Shifting Religious Vote: Compositional Changes in the Religious Electorate in the 2000s.” In Trump, White Evangelical Christians, and American Politics: Change and Continuity. Anand E. Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 25-40.

Djupe, Paul A. and Ryan P. Burge. 2022. “Satan and a Virus Won’t Stop Us” In ‘An Epidemic Among My People’: Religion in the Age of COVID-19. Paul A. Djupe and Amanda J. Friesen, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Burge, Ryan P. 2021. “#Evangelical: How Twitter Discusses American Religion.” In Exploring the Public Effects of Religious Communication on Politics. ed. Brian Calfano. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 150-171.

Burge, Ryan P. 2018. “We Find Truth by Talking: Comparing Authority in Evangelicalism and the Emergent Church.” In The Evangelical Crackup: Will the Evangelical-Republican Coalition Last? eds. Paul Djupe and Ryan Claassen. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 160-173.

Burge, Ryan, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Calfano. 2015. “The Political Tolerance of Clergy and its Democratic Roots.” In Religion and Political Tolerance in America: Advances in the State of the Art. ed. Paul Djupe. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 21-33.